Monday, 9 February 2009

Perak in a pickle

I have been following the events in the state of Perak in Malaysia rather carefully. I admit that the whole thing about bringing down the state government via defections instead of elections stinks to high heaven.

It has been rumoured that the BN bought over the assemblymen for a cool RM15 million each.

There has been a lot of negative stuff written about the assemblypersons, especially DAP rep Hee. But I just want to say, how many of us can look a pile of money in the eye without being tempted. They say everyone has a price, and I believe that is true.

With the exception of Nik Aziz and many within PAS who seem to have genuine principles to hold on to, I would imagine that all the rest of us would have our own "surrender" point. Those who say otherwise would be lying, or have very strong moral standing.

But it's obvious from the Perak case that PKR is made up of opportunists who are only in it for the money. All the hopes and dreams of a people are now in tatters thanks to the poor leadership of Anwar and gang.

PKR is a party of no discipline or moral standing. It is sad that so many good people like Sivarasa, Charles Santiago, Syed Husin Ali etc, have pinned their hopes on Anwar to bring positive change, only to have it all end up in a quagmire.

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