Is there something to The Secret? Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie is rapidly gaining a cult following, but is the Law of Attraction it illustrates really real? Or is it just some marketing hype gone supernova?
At one level I want to believe it. It seems so easy – Focus on what you want, ask for it, pretend you already have it and hey presto! It’s true. Can it really be that easy? Are the majority of us idiots that we cannot comprehend this?
One of the motivators a.k.a. successful chappie we should listen to says: “Use the universe as a catalogue and pick out what you want.” Oh I want it to be so simple. But I need to ask if the reverse is also true.
For instance, I don’t think any of us consciously wish for something bad to happen in our lives, yet it does sometimes. Yet, when we want something positive, we are told we must be focused with our thoughts, hold it in our mind’s eye with all the energy (read positive thoughts) we can muster in order for the Law of Attraction to kick in.
Why is it so much harder to get positive thoughts to work than it is negative thoughts? Are negative thoughts stronger? They shouldn’t be. After all, positive thoughts spring from that universal favourite: LOVE. Where do negative thoughts get their energy from? I can hear some people volunteering the eternal punching bag known as the EGO. But really, I have a hard time with this as well. Ego exists for a reason, and it cannot just be all bad.
If you believe in balance, then it holds that both positive and negative thoughts are equal in terms of power, but what is variable is our choice in wielding them. Or perhaps, each individual differs in their ability to wield thoughts as powerful tools to shape their realities.
More on this later …
Mitra Themis
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